DUO is an iconic project that balances the need for development as well as green expanses. This is achieved by having a 100% Landscape Replacement Area of the total site area, in which the summation of green spaces from the various sky gardens to ground plazas across retail, office and hotel components equals the amount of lost greenery.
Cushioned along Ophir and Rochor are lush plantings that segregate the bustling roads, where shoppers indulge in green and pedestrian-friendly environment. The courtyard plaza is filled with retail and dining activities amongst the greenery and artwork which is fast becoming the rendezvous point of DUO. An outdoor garden at L8 offers office workers a much-deserved opportunity to recharge amongst the fragrances of the ginger garden. Globe-trotters and holiday-makers can be seen lounging by the hotel’s many amenities nestled amidst the verdant setting, wining and dining the next to living green plants.
Featuring a plethora of facilities, the landscaped area at L20 is a verdant deck. Each recreational deck and entertaining lounges are thoughtfully dressed in sustainable species, making them green enclaves where residents come to relax. Spaced throughout L3 are tranquility spaces like the Garden of Chimes and Lamps. These along with Contemplation Terraces within the compound provides the residents a holistic space within a naturalistic setting.