Located at Anchorvale Crescent, The Vales takes its inspiration from the calm waters where the boats berth. Driving into the EC, you are greeted by a central feature of Plumeria Rubras, creepers and lush greenery all around. Despite being a relatively small executive condominium, the project consists of a large amount of plants covering every corner of the estate. The 9 residential blocks share main facilities along the middle of the development, shrouded in lush landscape. Its key feature, the lap pool, is where residents can swim and lounge on the timber deck, lightly shaded by swaying fronds of palms.
With its tight spaces, while requiring plants at nearly every corner posed challenges for accessibility for the team and the plants in the area. With more than 5000m2 of planting area, close coordination was required to carefully plant the 960m2 of turf, 90,000 shrubs and 430 trees to meet the design requirements of the project.